Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Broken Heart

  Izzy sat in the car breathing hard.  She didn't know what got into her head.  She replayed what just happened.  The look on Devien's face when she told him that she had moved on was still burned into the  back of her eyelids. It was just a flicker in his eyes but it was there.
  Every  bone in her body screamed at her to run backto him.  Her heart cried out his name.  Her mind stoped and the tears started.  With that one look her whole world had fallen.  She had hurt him more than he would have ever hurt her.  With one night she had ended it for good.  There was no way he would ever want her again.
  Izzy yelled "Why, why did you do it?" and then flet ashamed of everything she'd done for the past seven months.  She looked up at her refletion in her rearveiw morrior, she knew she looked good.  She had made herself up for this.  He needed to know that she still loved him, and that she wanted to look good for him.  There was no going back for them now.  He would get over her, get married, and have the life he always wanted.
  She took a deep breath, "suck it up!!" she told herself.  She wiped her face clean, blew her nose. then she started the car.  Pulling out of his driveway she couldn't think of anything but when they might see each other again.  By that time he would be over her.  She wondered if she would ever get over him?

Thursday, September 29, 2011


         I am no great poet. I don't know much about grammer. My life is nothing to get hyper about, but when I put a pen to a fresh sheet of paper none of that matters. The only thing that matters are my "imaginary friends" and the stories they want to tell me. I know that must sound crazy to some, but to me its like having someone dictate a letter because they can't write for some reason.
       Fiction is the only way I can find a way to step out of the real world for a little bit. I thought that a blog would be a good way to improve my writing. Also I'd like to find out what readers think, so don't be shy with your comments and consrtive criticsim. I'm also open to promts and ideas on what to write next.
       My frist story wil be posted very soon so keep your eyes peeled....